The Elmac Technologies® patented Cowhorn Arrangement attaches pairs of Flame Arresters & Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valves to a 3-way valve.
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Rupture Discs & Bursting Discs
The ASME and other pressure vessel codes allow the use of Bursting Discs in series with safety valves thus providing a wide range of benefits.
Not all Bursting Discs are suitable for installation below safety valves but modern disc technology allows a safe and versatile installation with useful side benefits.
It is important that any disc installed below a safety valve be a non-fragmenting design as fragments from a disc may:
Modern reverse acting discs can be manufactured as non-fragmenting designs and their wide burst pressure range, tolerance of high and cycling operating pressures and vacuum resistance make them ideal for installation in series with a safety valve for low and medium/high pressures. Installation of a reverse acting disc will allow in-situ check of calibration of the safety valve without disturbing the process side of the disc or other pipework. This can allow savings in dismantling of equipment and reduced plant downtime.
Elmac’s products comply with all relevant industry standards including ATEX & ISO 16852 (Flame Arresters); API2000/ISO28300 & NFPA30 (Venting & Storage of Combustible Vapours & Liquids) and possible BLEVE (fire engulfment) incidents. In addition, Elmac is accredited to the following international standards: ISO 9001 (Total Quality Management), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health & Safety).
The Elmac Technologies® patented Cowhorn Arrangement attaches pairs of Flame Arresters & Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valves to a 3-way valve.
The Elmac Technologies® patented Flame Arrester Breather Valve (FAB Valve™) integrates a RE-Flow™ Flame Arrester with a Pressure & Vacuum Relief Valve (PVRV).
This range offers protection against atmospheric explosions, often entering the process via the ignition of a flammable vapour cloud.
This detonation arrester range offers ultimate protection from worst-case scenario explosions. These explosions result from the acceleration of a deflagration flame front and the transition of a pressure wave to a shock wave within a pipe.